
Showing posts from July, 2018

UNILAG BOY episode 1

You all know that feeling when you about to leave your boarding school for good not all of you attended one tho but those that could relate, those dreams and aspirations you have for the outside world ,the crazy things you plan on doing , the crazy hairstyles you plan on making, which eventually you wont because you would be homeless loll let’s keep that aside though. My name is James Otchemorae and this is my story.Gone are those days when I will have to wake up by 6.o'clock in other to fetch water or Mr ibu’s doze of early morning Cain or even that so called water and colouring acclaimed to be tea I can go on like this for hours but that’s not what I want to talk about dream was to gain admission into the University of Lagos at age fifteen, graduate at age nineteen,with a first class upper in masscommunication. Literally I was chasing after the wind, “don’t mind me I haven’t had a taste of the outside world at that time”. My last days at vilified was awesome we